

Preservation and enhancement of the human smile and its surrounding structures is the ultimate ideal that the dentist must strive for. Both the delivery of beauty through form and the delivery of grace through function is pivotal. Beauty should not be treated as a luxury, but rather as a standard of practice. Therefore, all dentistry should be considered esthetic dentistry by default. 

Dentistry is the perfect blend between both Art & Science. It is sculpture at a miniature scale. The oral cavity is a bioactive environment that consists of various cells and tissues. Facultative anaerobic bacteria proceed in their natural course as they act on structures of the oral cavity.  In regards to treatment, the clinician must be able to deduce as a scientist and yet produce as an artist. The smile is a tool we use to physically manifest the emotion of happiness to the world around us; thus the dentist's role towards the psychosocial needs of individuals is paramount. 


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